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Support Colombian Flower Workers!

With Mother’s Day approaching, did you know that 65% of flowers in the U.S. come from Colombia? Unfortunately, though, cheaper flowers for us mean deplorable working conditions for flower workers: to learn more, watch this video from Cactus, one of our Colombian partner organizations. And take action now to help protect these workers‘ rights!

  • 2/3 of workers have health problems due to exposure to pesticides and toxins (many prohibited in the U.S.).

  • During the high season, many workers have to endure 12-22 hour shifts, six days a week.

  • Members of the 60%-female workforce are often forced to take pregnancy tests and birth control as a condition for employment.

  • Workers are denied their right to collectively organize, bargain and strike, despite the promise that the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) would protect workers.

Representative Keith Ellison (MN) currently has a resolution in Congress to recognize February 14 as International FlowerWorkers’ Day. This includes a commitment to improve conditions for workers and a revision of the Labor Action Plan (a provision of the U.S.-Colombia FTA) to “uphold the fulfillment of strong labor commitments under the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement.”

Tell your representative to be in touch with Brieana Marticorena at Rep. Ellison’s office ( to add his/her name to the resolution.


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