Extractivism for Death, Resistance for Life
"Queremos vivir sin miedo ni zozobra"
"We want to live without fear and distress"
Military Cooperation Between the United States and Colombia Today: An Ongoing Dependence
La cooperación militar entre EEUU y Colombia hoy: la dependencia continúa
Campaign against Expodefensa arms fair in Bogotá: "The war starts here, we need to stop it"
Does existence need to be the cost of resistance?
Cuánto cuesta la resistencia: ¿la existencia?
Resistance in the face of oblivion and indifference
"Here I am, here I will stay"
"If there weren't so many guns, there wouldn't be so many dead"
"We are not asking to be given rights, we are demanding them"
10 years of the US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement in Buenaventura: forced displacement increases
In the face of State impunity, popular justice: the People's Tribunal in Siloé
“Loving what we have": the project of the Campesinx University of Miranda (Cauca)
Territorial dispossession, silence and resistance in Bajo Calima
Leading Territorial Resistance: The Voices of Three Colombian Women Leaders
December 2021: Evictions in the Bajo Aguan Region, Honduras
Naya River Reportback
Urgent Action: Social Leader, Maria Eugenia Mosquera, Under Threat