U.S.-backed Anti-Narcotics Police Attack Indigenous Community
5 Dead and 80 More Injured as Police Open Fire into Crowds of Protesters in Colombia
U.S Sends Troops to Fight Unarmed Poor People in Colombia
Death Threats and Attacks Against Community Leader and Human Rights Defender, Juan Martinez
Colombian Indigenous Communities Call for Cerrejón to Stop Redirecting Scarce Water Resources
Forced Eradications Continue Despite COVID-19 Crisis
Internally Displaced Indigenous Peoples Denounce Re-victimization and Exclusion During Quarantine
Collective Work for Mother Earth
At Least Two Killed and One Injured in Northern Cauca as Attacks on Campesinos Continue in Impunity
A Look Back at 2019
The Fight for Justice Continues: Daira Quiñones Returns to La Nupa
Paramilitaries Take Over Nueva Vida Humanitarian Zone
“Less-lethal Weapons”: How U.S. Companies Make Millions From Colombia’s State Repression
U.S Continues to Fund Forced Eradication as Small-scale Farmers Face New Wave of Assassinations
Urgent Action: Return of Aerial Fumigation with Glyphosate
Como EEUU creó su propia crisis de migrantes
Comunidades Afrocolombianas del Río Naya Defienden sus Vidas y sus Tierras
Colombian Peace Community Attacked: Take Action Now/Comunidad de Paz Colombiana Atacada: Tome Acción
WFP Urgent Action in Buenaventura, Colombia / Acción Urgente en Buenaventura, Colombia
WFP Fact Sheet: The Armed Conflict and the Peace Process in Colombia